Welcome to the Week: Week 5- A mini-break.

This week is about trying to relax.


My husband starts a new job on Friday and so he’s using the last of his owed holiday and we have some time together.  Coincidently, this week I’m continuing the editing, planning the fourth Bad Candy, and assuming the role of Admin in a reader/writer group.  Let the plate spinning commence!


Worryingly I developed a sniffle last night, so I’m praying I can keep up with things whilst fending off the plague- we shall see.  If not, I’ll hunker down with my latest read “Nachtruhe” which I should finish this week- that’s Baden Württemberg done on my “Read my way around Germany” challenge.  Next up is Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (a state I know very little about) and I’m excited to learn more from.


How are you going to relay this week?  Let me know in the comments 🙂




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